Prada Carding Method Latest

Visit site

Here is the official page for, make sure you visit the correct link

Not all websites will work with this method. In my case I used an ad link to visit the site

Use your Firefox browser +  Socks5 to visit the site find the user registration form

We will first fill all the required info then card

Create account

Fill all the required info in the page
A lot of info for the register page, make sure you use the fullz info in the card you bought from your spammer/source.
For email, you should create one with names of the cc holder and use it, create a good password.

For address, fill the cc holders address.

Address book

Save the billing info and your drop info in file to help your Cashout easily. Your drop address should be same country as the site you are carding for easy shipping

Now find a good item to checkout. This will be our gift, select the size and continue

“GIFT TAB” Buying from this tab give us the opportunity to change our shipping address, since this is a gift and we can’t gift ourselves items, we need to gift to other users 

Find an affordable item and add to bag

Find an item you know the card will hold. (That’s why I say buy assured cc balance from spammers ) You can start with a small item and card bigger ones later.

Take note of the item and value, it matters a lot to make it look like a gift

Review your checkout

Confirm the summary of your items in cart and proceed to payment.
Make sure you chose an item that can be gifted and that the price of the item is affordable by your card

Gift message

Go to gifting and select to add a message. It is always good to leave a message for the gift card. Don’t leave the card blank and instead make sure you modify and add a good message that will be printed in the gift while packaging

Delivery Address

Go to delivery and add a new address. The address on file is the billing and you don’t want to use it. So, select and address and fill your drop address.

Add billing Address

The billing address comes from the fullz and always use it to fill billing address on the site you want to card. In the below field, add a new address if different from the fullz and fill the billing of your fullz. Finally add you nonvbv card  on file.  Choose credit card payment and proceed to check out. Finally order and wait for confirmation

♾Ads: This method brought to you by Bigtech ng  join VIP sp@mming class to spam your own bank logs🔛

Order confirmation

Next place your order and wait for confirmation. You will receive and email confirming and a summary of your order in the site and that’s that. We done with Prada Stay tuned on ExpertHackers while I bring you more methods soon 🥂