How to Buy Bitcoin With Credit Card: CC CARDING TUTORIAL

How to Buy Bitcoin With Credit Card: CC CARDING TUTORIAL

I would just be making this an hint on carding and make it Clear to everyone of us here all you need to know about Bank Cards; Credit card, Debit Card and reasons why we got declined sometimes while spending Cards online, Bow let’s Get into it… 

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What is Carding

Carding is an art or technique to buy something from online shopping site basically with a spammed cc or logs.

The tools and methods that would be mentioned or used in this tutorial are not the only method as there are different techniques or methods that can be used In carding.

Required tools Needed For Carding

  1. Computer
  2. Socks (Compulsory, youmay use VPN in carding. But it is not secure absolute)
  3. Mac Address Changer (Not compulsory)
  4. All in one cleaner (Cleaner)
  5. RDP (Optional, But I prefer it for safety)
  6. Drop (Optional, But need to use for more secure shopping sites)
  7. Credit Card (CC) 

1• PC

PC is good For carding, I always recommend PC.
You may see many carder doing this in mobile. But it is not %100 secure. Thus use PC.

 2• Socks:

Socks 5 SOCKet Secure (SOCKS) is an Internet protocol that routes network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. So with this we can hide our IP.
We used it to match our location same with Credit Card holder Location to make a successful transaction it's don't leak your DNS info but VPN do that thus it is more secure than any VPN softwares.

3• MAC Address Changer

MAC (Media Access Controll) is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment.
A network node may have multiple NICs and each NIC must have a unique MAC address.
MAC Address Changer allows you to change (spoof) Media Access Control (MAC) Address of your Network Interface Card (NIC) instantly.
You may not understand, it's like your ip address.Which would change your original ip to stay anonymous and safe.

4• Cleaner: 

Cleaner is a very handy tool to clean your browsing history (temp files, cookies) and also your Flash cookies, which many people neglect or don't even know about.
Flash cookies are stealthier than regular cookies.Flash can install cookies on your computer without your permission though default, and store the same info that regular cookies do (when you visited etc.

5• RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)

RDP is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft which provides User to stay anonymous and %100 safety.

6• Drop:

 Drop is an address which you use for shipping address in carding. Let me break this down, I.e am carding with a USA CC. if i use a USA address as shipping address then order will ship & my annonmity remains %100.If you have friends or relatives then no problem.
Otherwise there are lots of website that give drop service.
We will order in drop we will  address. this website will receive our products and will send to us.

Note: They will take few charge for it.

7• Credit Card (CC): 

This is the main part of carding. As fast as u understand it, successful transaction will come as fast.
When you buy CC. It will be in the below format;

* credit card number
* exp date
* Cvv2 code
* name on the card
* address
* city state
* country zip code
* phone (phone not neccesarilly

Card Number: 4305873969231315
Exp Date: 10 | 8 | 2019 |
Card Pin: 5911
Card Holder: Michael Jackson
CVV: 234
Address: Stoney Brook Lane|Middleton|MA|01949|

Each credit card company starts their cards with a different number:

- American Express (AMEX)
- Visa
- MasterCard (MC)
- Discover (Disco) 

* Visa 

Classic - a universal payment tool, which was adopted worldwide in any locations designated by the logo of Visa, including ATMs, real and virtual stores, and shops offering goods and services by mail and telephone. This card is intended for those who already have experience in the use of bank cards. She also enjoys popularity among consumers of middle-income, as guaranteed convenience, choice and financial flexibility.
Gold - One of the leading products, has been adopted worldwide and allows you to enjoy an impressive financial freedom (aka higher limit) Platinum - This usually have limits over $10,000 (but remember, just
because it has a high limit, doesn’t mean it isn’t already maxed out,
Signature - No preset spending limit - great bin to get
Infinite - Most prestigious card, virtually no limit. Though there are less in circulation so be cautious when buying these, stick with reputable sellers!
Business - Used for small to medium sized businesses, usually has a decent limit.
Corporate - Medium to large size businesses, larger limit than Business.
Black - limited membership, $500 annual fee, high end card, no limit


Standard - comparable to visa classic.
Gold - comparable to visa gold.
Platinum - comparable to visa plat.
World - very high limit.
World Elite - virtually no limit, high end card.


Gold - usually around 10k limit
Platinum - usually higher limit, around 35k
Centurion - High limit, 75k+ (also known as the black card, not to be confused with visa black card

What is BIN (Bank Identification Number)

Bin is the first 6 numbers of CC is the BIN number. -thus from the above example the bin is 486236 So now we will collect some info about this BIN. For that there is so many For that there is so many websites.. 
I prefer or Go to above site enter BIN Click on Find... You will get result like below....

If you are a pro you should know how to check cc balance with Skype method

What is  VBV / NON VBV / MSC

I would make little emphasis on VBV / NON VBC / MSC

VBV (Verified by Visa)

Extra verification process initially added by visa, there are different types of authentication used, most notably would be a password, date of birth, social security number or mothers maiden name. Will send OTP to CC owner mobile No. or need secret Password when doing transaction in any process.

NON VB (Verified by Visa)

Easy to use because No need of more info about CC like DOB, SSN, MMN Required.
Also no need OTP when doing transaction

MSC (Mastercard Secure Code) -

 similar To VBV We always buy NON VBV CC for carding. Cause the shopping site is VBV or NON VBV we don't care, we have NON VBV CC. so no OTP, no AVS, no need SSN etc. NON VBV is not verified by visa card, you can buy anything with non v cards without going thru 3d verification process. How to Buy NON VBV CC will explain later

AVS (Address Verification System)

A system used to verify the identity of the person claiming to own the credit card. The system will check the billing address of the  credit card provided by the user with the address on file at the credit card company. This was an attempt to help identity theft and fraud over the internet.This is a system we as carders don’t have to worry about since
we have the billing address of the credit card holder.
1 mentioned it since it is good to be aware of it and that almost every site has this system.It amplifies the  importance of typing in the address correctly.

Summarily, all you need to do is to read the tutorials and follow carefully and try put them to practice with appropriate tools.


BITCOIN Work Like Magic for Those who know How to Control it. Many Of You out there Don’t Know How to Trade, And Unfortunately, Some Have Been Robbed By fake Vendors.


You can buy and sell Bitcoin from apps like Binance All you have to do is use: PEER 2 PEER

Alternatively, you have the option to purchase Bitcoin from vendors. 
Numerous vendors in Ghana and Nigeria offer Bitcoin for sale across various social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and more. You can engage in coin trading with your chosen vendor or explore trading options on different websites.


What is bitcoin and how can it be used
Bitcoin, often described as a cryptocurrency, a virtual currency or a digital currency is a type of money that is completely virtual. It's like an online version of cash. ... 
People can send Bitcoins (or part of one) to your digital wallet, and you can send them to others as well.

These transactions are recorded on a public ledger called the blockchain, which ensures transparency and security. The value of Bitcoin can fluctuate significantly, and it is often used for various purposes, including online purchases, investments, and as a means of transferring funds across borders with lower fees compared to traditional banking systems.

However, it's important to note that the value of Bitcoin is subject to market fluctuations and should be approached with caution.

To perform this update, you'll require a Bitcoin wallet. There are several options available, such as Luno, Binance, Coinbase, Trust Wallet, and Safepal, among others. Choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences for securely managing your Bitcoin transactions.

For this tutorial I will show you guys how to use Binance.


1• Go to your playstore or AppStore and download the Binance app

2• Open the app and click on signup

4•Signup with your details and complete the verification. 

Once verified 

To copy your Bitcoin wallet address, follow these steps:
1. Click on the "Wallets" tab or section.

7• click on deposit 

8• They are different cryptocurrencies and each have their unique address But in this case you need BTC (Bitcoin)

9• Click on search at the Top bar and type in BTC and click on it

10• They're different wallet networks, but it's best to use the Bitcoin network.
Except given other instructions on which network to use

12• Once you access your Bitcoin deposit address, you have two options to share it with others:

i• Copy the address to your
ii• Take a screenshot of the barcode containing the address and share it with anyone who wants to send Bitcoin to your

13• After receiving your Bitcoin, the available balance will be shown above (indicated by the green marker).

👍 That's how to create the Binance wallet Now let's move to how logs conversion works


1• To make money from bank log conversion to BTC, simply purchase any bank log with the desired amount you want me to convert.

II. The log should have available balance. 

2• Send your Blockchain or Binance Bitcoin wallet address.

3• I will use my spamming tools to convert it to BTC for you. After around 20 minutes, the BTC will be sent to your provided address.

For instance, if you buy $2K worth of logs and I convert them to BTC, you won't receive the exact balance of logs you purchased. Instead, you will receive at least $1.8K worth of Bitcoins.
Those are extra charges from the software

This method requires no client, and it is incredibly easy to access. With this straightforward approach, you can confidently make money without any excuses holding you back. It's a hassle- free and efficient way to achieve your financial goals. So, take advantage of this opportunity and start earning! 😘